Algorithm Expert in Physical Layer Algorithms

Huawei Sweden R&D · Stockholm · Ansök senast 25 sep. (60 dagar kvar)

Heltid · Tillsvidareanställning

The Huawei office in Sweden is the leading overseas R&D office in Huawei, and the Wireless Network Algorithm Lab at Huawei Sweden drives innovation for the Huawei wireless Radio Access Networks product. We work on physical layer signal processing and Radio Resource Management algorithms and in doing so cooperate with universities all over Europe to find the next technological breakthroughs. If this sounds like an interesting challenge and you believe your background is a good match, then you should consider the following position.


  • Leading research and innovation in the area of Physical Layer Algorithms
  • Contribute to strategic planning in the area of radio network performance and algorithm development
  • Drive and contribute to university cooperation in the algorithm area

Minimum qualifications

  • 8 years experience or more in the wireless communication industry
  • Good knowledge of key technologies such as Sensing and/or ISAC, DBF and/or HBF, massive MIMO transceiver algorithm and interference coordination
  • Experience in link level simulations
  • Innovative spirit

Preferred qualifications

  • A MSc in Electrical Engineering, Mathematics or equivalent experience from telecom industry
  • Knowledge of 3GPP standardization
  • Up to date with academic research in the area of radio performance and algorithms
  • Knowledge of optimization theory, control theory and/or machine learning for wireless communication

Contact persons

Gunnar Peters


Liu Yahui


Om arbetsgivaren


Huawei Sweden R&D




Huawei Technologies Sweden AB

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